Saturday, July 14, 2007

collected seaweed

aqua scene
This week I collected some seaweed floating in the waters off Cape Cod. I brought it home to my marine tank. In the past I have added collected seaweed and the fish enjoy eating it. I was amazed at the number of different types of macro algae that one small clump of flotsam included. I imagine it will not survive my tank temperature of about 78-80F, as the Cape water is much cooler, about 65F.

(Yes, that is me with the camera in the reflection!)


Almost in focus!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

aquarium in action

This is a 3 minute video of the fishes swimming around in my aquarium. I have two clown anemone fish a.k.a. Nemo fish (Amphiprion ocellaris), a yellow tang, a rusty angel, and a yellow and purple dottyback (who is shy around the camera). The fishes nibble on some newly collected seaweed I have added.

daisy polyps

My first video! I'm experimenting with posting video. This is a couple second clip of my daisy polyps waving in the current. I think the video conveys a better sense of my aquarium than a still photo, though the pictures lack resolution.