Sunday, December 16, 2007

clowns and anemone

anemone 1
tank anemone 2
clown fish pair clowns and photos
In the center of my tank is a very large bubble tip anemone. My plan was that it would host my two 6 month old, tank raised clown fish (Amphiprion ocellaris). The clowns seem to have other plans. To try to get them into the anemone I tried herding them in. No luck. I tried luring them in by suspending a clip with food above the anemone. Again, no luck.

Since these guys are tank raised and have never seen an anemone before, I have now taped photos of clown fish and anemones on outside the tank. I hope they are taking note. But I don't think this is working either.

The last resort would be to return these two to the store and purchase a wild caught pair. I think I'll just wait and see if anything changes as they grow up.


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Jeffry R. Johnston said...

We put an anemone in our tank assuming our pair of clowns would use it as a host ... and they never did. Several months later, one of the clowns died. The remaining clown adopted our star polyps as a host. Here's a video... not sure if ours were bred in captivity, but I assume so.

At 7:06 AM, Blogger kathy said...

Great video! I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens with my clowns and anemones.

I am looking forward to visiting my local aquarium store today and stocking up in new stuff for my tanks (I have a 90 gallon fresh water tank too.) Its time for new light bulbs, more DTs, new fresh water plants and fish, and maybe a new soft coral.

Also, I just brought back fresh seaweed from Florida. I it added to my marine refugium. Hopefully I'll have time to post photos soon.


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